Remote camp

Saturday 6 Mar 21 Sam's Club out of gas

6 Mar 21

Got up around 8 and let the dogs out to run free. While they were out  a couple came to the door. They told me they had an RT as well. We had a nice conversation about the virtues of an RT. He was a navy veteran who said he had done 4 tours in Vietnam. A very nice couple. After breakfast I secured everything and drove on to a Burger King on the East side of Yuma. After coffee I drove on to a Sam's Club to get fuel. I went in and bought a hotdog combo which I took back to the RT to eat with some chips. About the time I decided to get fuel I noticed the gas pumps were blocked off. I went inside and learned that they had run out of gas.

Later I drove to a Walmart and bought some groceries. I would have liked to have stayed there for the night but there were signs saying no overnight parking. I found another Walmart online and it appeared that overnight parking was allowed there. When I arrived there were other RVs in the lot  so I assumed it would be okay. I found a level spot on the side where of the auto shop. I had the leftover Mac and Cheese for dinner. After feeding the dogs I got in bed and called it a day.

6Mar21 Photos